Research PLC
Need an individual to create a summary in word of what a Programmable Logic Controller is and how they work. It needs to include everything from instillation needs to daily operational needs.
Research Polymers
I need someone who can create and excel spreadsheet that conatins at least 50 different polymers. That can meet the following requirements:
- Heat resistant between 20 and 400 degrees
- Nonconductive
- Withstand 0 to 9000 lbs
Must include the following in spreadsheet:
- Modulus of elasticity,
- Cost per square foot,
- Conductivity,
- Current uses,
- Current manufacturing techniques,
The file must be submitted in an excel format and easily read if file is not deemed as easily read or in the wrong format no payment will be processed for work. The readability of the file will be judged by the individuals requesting this list.
Research Types Of Glue
In need of someone to research and summarize at least 30 different types of glue. The glue must fit the following parameters.
- Resistance to heat <375 F
- Resistance to cold >27 F
- Resistance to electrical current
- Durable
- Oil/water resistant
- Easily installed
Each glue summary must include the following: viscosity, dry time, durability, current applications, sellers, price per gal and ounce, availability, environmental impact, installation requirements, and an MSDS. You may submit in multiple files limited to excel and word however it must be organized and easily read.
Computer Science Engineer
A Computer Science Engineer is needed to create and run experimental algorithms modeling repeated loading of asphalt under test conditions. Applicant must have a working knowledge of electronics and be able to modify simulation software as well as write new coding and software as needed.
Mechanical Engineer
This position is open to any individual who can demonstrate a basic competence of mechanical engineering skills. They must be open to new ideas and concepts and constantly learning. The tasks performed in this position are as follows but not limited to engineering and designing moving parts for prototyping and production of Asphalt testing vehicle trouble shooting existing mechanics and performing routine maintenance on company equipment. Individual must enjoy working in a collaborative, creative environment that will push communication and critical thinking skills to their limits.
Technical Writer
In need of someone who understands how to create a document that communicates clearly a job description, project update, and work summaries based on an oral or first had description of a task. Each document will need to be created in Word in MLA format. Any other entries will no e accepted. Each will vary and length and must be long enough to communicate clearly yet short enough not to distract reader with unnecessary information.
Glossary Job
Need someone to organize a glossary of XX terms with pronunciation, part of speech, and technical definition. Each entry needs to be formatted the same and alphabetized to be easily read. Every entry should be in 12 pt times new roman font and submitted in a word text document. Any submissions not following these parameters will not be accepted or viewed and you will not receive any payment. This is an example of a typical entry in the glossary. Also submit in a separate word document an MLA formatted citations page for all sources.
Term—(pro-nun-cia-tion), technical definition of the term as found using any creditable source.
Research PLC Companies
Need an individual to create a list displaying the top 20 PLC manufacturing companies. Each company needs to have a brief summary of major consumers, company headquarters, as well as contact information. This information needs to be in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel format. The following companies must be included but not limited to: Mitsubishi PLC, Alan Bradley, and Simons